What's this beanstalk thing about?
ilikebeanstalks started as my response to the question, "Why are you always drawing beanstalks?". It has now evolved into my personal brand. I'm a Trinidad based artist, currently working full-time as a Graphic Designer, freelancing part-time under the beanstalks brand.
Being an art school graduate with a specialization in Graphic Design and a background in Fine Art, I am skilled in anything crafty, artistic or creative. I spend almost all of my time honing my skills, though I think some of them are already well-honed.
I've been practicing Fine Art for the past 11 years, I've worked in many different fields as a Graphic Designer for the past 8 years, and about 3 years ago I starting diving into photography and videography. Additionally I picked up different skills, like henna, nail art, button making, custom made decorations, and face-painting. I also recently starting exploring the world of teaching by offering Private Photoshop mentoring.
Right now, I'm attempting to start my own business; my own design company / agency / consultancy. Sounds simple, but I keep running into road blocks and set backs. But I'm determined to do it, and I'm setting deadlines. (Which will be another blog post)
So, you're probably wondering, "Why the beanstalk blog?" Well, the first reason, is that my friends and family are sick of hearing be bitch and complain, so I figure, there's a whole internet of people who haven't got the chance to hear me rant. And, Secondly, I already randomly write my rants down, why not share them? I'm sure all creatives go though similar battles and can relate. Not only rants, but I want to share my experiences, and creativity, and hopefully inspire some as well. Thirdly, it's part of the process of building my brand, if not for anything else, this blog can be my journal of everything I went though in the process.
So, welcome to the ilikebeanstalks blog, feel free to look around, I'm pretty sure there's a link to my website and Facebook page somewhere around here. Oh, and subscribe, so you don't miss anything.
See ya later!
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