Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Dream Chasers

“All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.”  - T.E. Lawrence

A dream chaser is much more than a Meek Mill album. A dream chaser is a person with the COURAGE to follow their heart. I stress on COURAGE because for a very long time I didn’t understand what that meant. Dream chasers take risks to make their dreams a reality, they truly believe that they will succeed at their dreams. That alone in itself is courageous, but hard work and sacrifices play a huge part.

When you spend a lot of your time with people without dreams, its easy to feel like they don’t understand you, or even worse, you start to doubt yourself.

I worked every day sitting opposite someone who told me I’m always coming up with these crazy business ideas. Hearing that week after week. I myself thought my ideas were a bit far fetched. But, sometimes life just has a way of pointing you in the right direction, and getting you right where you need to be. All you have to do is jump.

It’s been four months since I left my full time job. My only regret is that it took me almost two years to get out of that negative environment. A 2.5-hour commute, no creative freedom, an unimaginative, a sly snake of a supervisor, the kind of environment where words of advice are “Trust no one”, salary was frequently cut, the director, a Mexican version of Jafar and worst of all, creativity was frowned upon. It was a stifling environment to say the least.

Two days before I resigned, I cleared out my desk, wrote my resignation and never sent it. Before I got the courage to, I was called into a disciplinary meeting and told I would be suspended for poor punctuality regardless of me working late hours and going above and beyond my role as a Graphic Designer.

So I choose to resign, and I cried.

I cried because of the uncertainty of my future. Regardless of how shitty my colleagues or my job was, it gave me a form of security and I was scared to continue not knowing what my next move was, until I had no choice.

Today, after all these months, I had the most amazingly fulfilling day I could ever imagine. I’ve heard horror stories of what freelancers go through. How some months are tough, no work comes in, they are always working, it’s near impossible to take a vacation. I can tell you from experience, that these things are only true, if you have a negative perspective.

I used to be angry, upset and annoyed all the time. I suffered from back pains and headaches. But now I only get pain from pushing too hard in the gym. I wake up every day excited, I’m eating better and working out often, I’ve lost seven pounds since, I even went to Tobago for work! I go to bed when I want, I wake up when I want, I spend time with my family, and I work in my pajamas. I love life. I get time to write, draw, paint, read and sleep. It’s not perfect, but coming from the job I just left, this is a heaven on earth.

For the first time ever, I feel like I’m going to be okay.

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